March 2020 News

An ARC recommendation was carried out for Sovereign Business Jets on a Hawker 800XP with a remote records review conducted from the UK office and a physical survey conducted in Dusseldorf, Germany.

An ARC Recommendation was completed on a Legacy 650 Aircraft for a French operator. The aircraft had been added to the French registry following receipt of an IOM Export CofA. and a remote records review was carried out from the UK office followed by a physical survey in Paris, France.

Vector complete a Physical Inspection and Records Audit of the second of two Scottish Government Twin Otters operated by Loganair in line with the Operating Lease.

Vector are contracted to provide all the Technical support for the issue of a Part M Sub Part  G approval including the addition of a Challenger 350 as part of Air Charter Scotland’s application for a Maltese AOC.

With the advent of Covid 19, Vector adapt to support their existing customers and continue with CAMO support but adapting that support to provide flexible care and maintenance oversight of their fleet ensuring compliance with storage requirements but providing for immediate aircraft availability.


Vector Aircraft Services