Aircraft Reliability & Cost of Ownership

Covering all the Bases

An operator can only generate income and profit if the aircraft is available as and when needed. Poor aircraft reliability leads to unscheduled maintenance requirements and increased operating costs.

As direct aircraft maintenance costs are a significant proportion of the overall cost of operation; it is important to ensure that aircraft maintenance costs remain at a manageable level.

This requires the ongoing review of maintenance practices, processes and procedures; management decision-making and; maintenance facilities. Improvements of the Aircraft Reliability Programme and Approved Maintenance Programme (AMP) will contribute to some reduction in aircraft operating costs.

Vector’s integrated approach encompasses all areas of aircraft operation to maximise cost reductions and profitability. We identify key cost saving opportunities by continuously monitoring your operating cost drivers. We also implement process improvements in a structured manner using the following techniques or initiatives:

  • Identification of High Cost Failures and Failure Rates
  • Root Cause Analysis (E.g. operating technique, internal fault, etc.)
  • Review of Key Cost Drivers and Cost Saving Opportunities
  • Implementation of Corrective Action Plans
  • Ongoing Process Improvement and Cost Reduction Initiatives
  • Vendor and / or OEM Liaison (I.e. Warranty Negotiation / Reconciliation)

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Vector Aircraft Services