Maintenance Planning & Optimisation

Optimal Task Management

Having established an Approved Maintenance Program (AMP), the Operator must use this document to plan all maintenance to be performed.

AMP tasks are listed in ATA 100 sequence. Therefore, tasks need to be organised into groups with common occurrence frequencies wherever possible for expediency, minimal downtime and optimal cost management.

A detailed knowledge of the AMP is essential for successful planning. All tasks should be planned and performed at the most opportune aircraft maintenance event.

Vector’s extensive experience in this field will ensure that maintenance downtime is minimised and aircraft availability is maximised through the following activities:

  • Production of Structured Maintenance Packs (Line or Base Level)
  • Aircraft Maintenance Event Optimisation
  • Oversight of Component Inventory (Repair versus Exchange versus Replacement Analysis)
  • Just-in-Time Management of High Cost and / or Critical Spares

Bespoke Improvements to Simplify Your Processes!


Vector Aircraft Services